HijriAlyoum | Hijri Calendar and Dates with Islamic Holidays

HijriAlyoum is your one-stop online destination for all things related to the Hijri calendar. Whether you need to view Islamic calendars, convert Hijri to Gregorian dates, check the Hijri date today, or even download a printable Hijri calendar in PDF and PNG formats, HijriAlyoum has you covered.

Check Today's Hijri Date
Kalender Hijriah Online

Hijri / Gregorian Date Converter

This tool simplifies converting dates from the Hijri to the Gregorian calendar. Whether planning an event, scheduling an appointment, or simply keeping track of significant dates, this converter is an invaluable resource. With a few simple clicks, you can effortlessly convert Hijri dates to Gregorian and vice versa.

For those searching for greater flexibility and precision, HijriAlyoum offers an advanced converter. This feature allows you to accurately convert Hijri dates to Gregorian and vice versa. By providing users with multiple options, HijriAlyoum ensures you have the right tool for your specific needs.

Hijri / Islamic Calendar

We Provide a calendar that contains both the Gregorian (Masehi) and Hijri (Islamic) dates. Within it, there are markers for Islamic holidays, national holidays, and fasting days for Muslims.

Starting from the beginning of 1 Muharram in the Hijri calendar

Starting from the beginning of 1 January in the Gregorian calendar

Printable Hijri Calendar For Free

HijriAlyoum offers the option to download a printable Hijri calendar in both PDF and PNG formats.

This feature is especially useful for those who like to have a physical calendar in their homes, offices, or places of worship. You can print and hang it on your wall, pin it to your bulletin board, or carry it with you for easy access to Islamic dates and events.

Your Trusted Companion in Faith

HijriAlyoum is a valuable online resource for Muslims seeking to stay connected to their faith and culture in our increasingly digital world. With its Hijri to Gregorian calendar converter, ability to convert Hijri dates to Gregorian, and the convenience of checking the Hijri date today, it simplifies using the Hijri calendar in daily life.

Furthermore, the option to download a printable Hijri calendar in PDF and PNG formats adds an extra layer of convenience, making it an indispensable resource for Muslims around the globe. Experience the power of HijriAlyoum and embrace the future of Islamic tools and resources today.